Monday, July 27, 2009

Woo(ooo)f Department

Should have covered this earlier, but it's over now, oh well.

John Strong, that "freak show" impresario, tried to buy a five legged dog, another woman, Allson Siegel of Charlotte, NC bought it instead and had the leg removed and prevented the dog from being an act.

Now, surely a nice home is preferable to a living in a sideshow (well, to most people, probably not to me but that's besides the point), but the amount of outrage being directed at Mr. Strong is a bit over the top, don't you think? I understand how people get about dogs, but I highly doubt that he would have been mistreated and there are worse places in this world than Coney Island. That all said, I am superbly creeped out by Gothamist's article detailing how Mr. Strong wished to reattach the fifth leg (hold the genital jokes, just for a second at least, please).

Anyway, Neatorama has more as does the LA Times.

Picture from the Los Angeles Times article linked above.

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